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Your use of this site or WIKISKYs services constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these policies, please cease using this site immediately.
WIKISKY reserves the right to amend these policies from time to time. If such amendments affect how WIKISKY uses or discloses personal information already held by WIKISKY in a material and adverse way over and above previous express or implied consent, WIKISKY will contact you to obtain consent. Notwithstanding the terms of this policy, the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information may be made outside of the terms herein to the extent provided for in the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, and other relevant Canadian and Ontario legislation in effect from time to time. These exemptions include, without limitation, publicly available information, or information disclosed for criminal or civil investigations or compliance with law or court orders.
WIKISKY takes reasonable precautions to ensure your privacy on the terms contained in this policy. WIKISKY uses reasonable efforts to, but cannot totally prevent, unintended disclosures by such means as hackers and other unauthorized individuals, and inadvertent or illicit employee actions.
Our Web site keeps track of usage data, such as the source address that a page request is coming from, your IP address or domain name, the date and time of the page request, the referring Web site (if any) and other parameters in the URL. We also use this data to better understand Web site usage in the aggregate so that we know what areas of our Web site users prefer.
WIKISKY does not share personal information with any other third parties. WIKISKY may, however, provide to third parties aggregate or statistical information that does not disclose personally identifiable information.
Contact Us / Email Inquiries:
No information sent to WIKISKY via email or the website inquiry form is used for any other reason than to respond to and maintain a record of the inquiry. This information is not sent to third parties or retained for mailing list purposes.
Third Party Dispute Resolution:
WIKISKY is committed to resolving disputes quickly and efficiently. In the event that a dispute cannot be settled through our normal internal processes, WIKISKY is committed to using an independent third party dispute resolution process.
In the event the issue relates to private information, WIKISKY will not use or distribute any private information without express permission. All disputes in arbitration will be resolved under the laws of Ontario.
Contacting WIKISKY:
If you have questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site or your dealings with this web site, you may contact:
WIKISKY.ORG Contacts page
3340 Hayhurst Cres,
Oakville, ON L6L-6T8
Phone Number: